“Writer’s Blok? ” you don’t need it!
My 4 TIPS to avoid “Writer’s Block.”
Use a good spell and grammar checker and correct as you go. This saves a lot of time and frustration.
I use Grammarly as my editor so at the end of every week I get a report that tells me how many words I wrote that week, gives a comparison to the amount of words I wrote compared to other writers that week. It also gives me the percentage of unique words I used compared to other writers. Another point they give is to give the amount of errors and along with that, it gives me the problems and the solutions. I love this program as it edits my work as I go as well. This is free unless you choose the premium one that has a monthly fee. I use the free one. This program let s you know where you stand among other writers who are using Grammarly. I like to know where I am and how I am doing. This gives me some insight and an evaluation for my progress.
Organize your thoughts and PLAN your day!
I set INTENTIONS ( intentions are quite different from goals) for the year at the end of the previous year. I write them down, and I send them out as a prayer. This is also called “The Dreaming Prayer,” which I first learned about in the mid-70s when I read the book, “Beyond Ourselves,” by Catherine Marshall. (Chapter 11). So, this became my way of life to set my intentions to follow my heart’s desire – I just wrote a blog post about this recently.
Doing this set my life on a path that has taken me far beyond my heart’s desires as I expressed it back then. Make sure that you set your intention for possibilities that you have no way of achieving on your own. Make them bigger than you can dream. Give your heart’s desire a voice and wings. See what happens.
If you are a college or university student, look for every course on the schedule that is”writing intensive.” Make sure you take at least one writing intensive course every semester. This will force you to write every day and it will become a habit.
This is your ticket into grad school if you can show such courses on your transcripts – it sets a pattern that you will follow for the rest of your life.
Example: When I applied to grad school for English, the director of the program looked at my transcripts for my BFA in painting and saw that I had taken many writing intensive courses in both English and Art History (which is totally writing) , and in one moment, I was IN the MA program for English due to my intensive writing experience of the 4 previous years. It was my ticket into grad school for my MA degree.
A similar experience happened when I went on for the MFA (FYI: MFA is a terminal degree, not a master’s degree) – I was given a full scholarship and a large stipend to entice me to come to WVU for the MFA program. I snapped it up and turned down the other universities what had accepted me but had not offered me the MONEY. I had set my intention to only go to the school that would offer me a scholarship and stipend.
GET a VISION for your Writing!
Envision your finished product often. What do you dream about doing in your life? Will you be a writer who is getting published consistently? Whatever you want, if you set you intentions, you will have it and lots more. Instead of making excuses for lack of motivation, turn things around by taking a positive step forward into your successful life dreams. Speak only positive words. We will become exactly what we say we are – so make it over the top for that is where you will be. Do not settle for anything that is not your heart’s desire. How can you do this? If you have a Plan B, you can guess where you will be….working on Plan B. Set yourself to get to Plan A and stick to it.
Before you sit down to write anything, make quiet time; be still and close your eyes. ENVISION yourself in a future place. Where do you want to be?
I envision my book coming out. I see the cover of the book in my mind. I see me holding it and leafing through the pages of my newest book. I envision me sharing my stories and poems with others interested in the aspects of life that interest me. I see myself at book signing events. I envision the sign that pictures my book, there at the event. Etc. You get what I mean – you have to begin to SEE your stories or whatever you want to share, come to life in your mind. What you can envision, you will see will take place in your life.
When I made my first trip to Europe one summer to study art for a month, I saw two elderly ladies sitting on the patio of the hotel where I was a guest. I inquired about them and learned that they were sisters who came to Austria every summer together. They were having a delightful afternoon sitting in the warmth of the summer sunshine, and it was clear they were living a beautiful life. At that moment, I set my intention to also live this life. I said, inside my head, “I will order my life in such a way so that I will also be here every summer, too.” And at that moment my intention was set. From that moment forward, I thought about that intention day and night and I made sure that I did nothing that would interfere with my intention. I went on to finish 3 degrees in the areas that I wanted to spend my life working in – art and literature. I resolved that I would never do anything that would prevent me having such a life – and within a few years, I was in Europe every summer, working as a professor and I was writing every day and making art in my studio in Austria. My point is to set your intention on what you think is impossible, then do not allow anything to come into your life that will not take you to your dream.
Last year, I set my intentions for the next few years. One intention was to get my book written and ready for publication by the end of this year. I outlined what I would have to do every month of the year to get to this place. My newest book is at the editors and will come out by the end of this year.
I have two more books in the hopper for publication next year, and one is even started for publication in 2018. I envision what they look like inside and outside. I envision the titles of the books and what I will write for them. I do the same kind of mind work for my art. I just returned from Kentucky where I received an award for my art at the “InSights 2016″ exhibition by the American Printing House for the Blind.” This was my 2nd time to receive recognition there in the past 3 years.
It is not LUCK
I’ll SEE you at the TOP!
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Lynda Lambert is the author of Concerti: Psalms for the Pilgrimage, Kota Press.
Her new book, “Walking by Inner Vision: Stories of Light and Dreams,” will be coming out later this year.
Lynda lives in the rural Village of Wurtemburg, western Pennsylvania.
She married Bob Lambert. in 1961 The couple have 5 grown children, grand-children and great-grandchildren. These days they care for their 2 dogs and 5 cats, all rescued.
Lynda is a mixed – media fiber artist and accomplished writer. Her writing focus is on creative non-fiction and poetry; her art work appears in exhibitions world-wide and her writing appears in many publications.
contact Lynda with questions or inspired ideas at: