Walking by Inner Vision Personal Journal
In 2015 I wrote 30 lessons for you!
LEARN HOW to keep a personal journal.
With each short “lesson” I have created a special “Writing Assignment” to go with it.
I’ll be giving you 20 more new lessons
and assignments.
Here is the complete list of “Journal Assignments.”
You can go to each link and read the lesson and get the assignment along with a sample from me.
If you are taking this journal WALK with me, you may copy and print out this list for your future references. And, why not just paste it into your own journal so you know where to find it later on!
Introduction: Walking by Inner Vision Journal: Lesson 1
Lesson #1: The Mountain: Lesson 1
Lesson #2: Embrace Change and Write! Lesson 2
Lesson #3: Paint a Landscape –Lesson 3
Lesson#4: Write a Love Letter: Lesson 4
Lesson #5: The Stuff of Life: Lesson 5
Lesson #6: Walking by Inner vision: Lesson 6
Lesson #7: Love or Fear? Lesson 7
Lesson #8: The Morning Hour: Lesson 8
Lesson #9: Haiku – Write a Japanese Poem: Lesson 9
Lesson #10: When my Daughter Cuts the Roses: Lesson 10
Lesson #11: The morning Walk: Lesson 11
Lesson #12: Tanka – Japanese Poem: Lesson 12
Lesson #13: Writing your Dream: Lesson 13
Lesson#14: For the Love of Small Gifts Lesson 14
Lesson #15: Pachysandra Gifts: Lesson 15
Lesson #16: The Zip Code Poem: Lesson 16
Lesson #17: The tossed Salad Poem: Lesson 17
Lesson #18: Commercials: Lesson 18
Lesson #19: The Acrostic Poem, and More! Lesson 19
Lesson #19 B: The Writers Who Influenced Us: Lesson 19 B
Lesson #20: the Acrostic Poem #2: Lesson 20
Lesson #21: Create a Poem from Your Journal Entries: Lesson 21
Lesson #21 Part B: Book of Remembrance at Lidice: Lesson 21 B
Lesson #22: The Photograph Poem: Lesson 22
Lesson #23: The Disappearing Poem: Lesson 23
Lesson#24: Song Lyrics: Lesson 24
Lesson #25: All About Stones: Abecedarian Poem: Lesson 25
Lesson #26: the Music of Venice: Lesson 26
Lesson #27: The Tanka – Part 2: Lesson 27
Lesson #28: Abecedarian Poem: Lesson 28
Lesson #29: Get Organized: Lesson 29
Lesson #30: How to Write YOUR Story: Lesson 30
Puerto Rico Beach: Photo by Lynda McKinney Lambert
Lynda’s 2 blogs:
Lynda’s Bio
Her second collection of stories and poems was published in 2017. “Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems.”
Visit her author’s page for more information at: http://www.dldbooks.com/lyndalambert/. Available on Amazon.
Lynda’s 3rd book will come out in 2019. It is a collection of poems.”
She authors two blogs on writing, the humanities, arts, and faith. She is a passionate writer and her poetry and essays appear in numerous books and literary journals. She is a retired professor of fine arts and humanities and she exhibits her fiber arts in exhibitions worldwide.