My Thanksgiving Wish for 2010
A little girl, Isabella Daley, was adoped a year ago by a loving family who already had three children. “Bella” was born with multiple birth defects due to an assault on her while she was still in the womb, and drug use by the biological mother. The Daley family has given Bella the love that all children need. They have been with her through many hospitalizations, and other things that we would never know about when raising a normal child.
Isabella is now in need of therapies for the next year. These therapies will cost more than most any family could ever pay for and I thought that perhaps I could help Bella and her family our by getting the word out so that people know about the needs for Bella.
I have written about Bella on my FaceBook page. I have sent out a letter today to everyone on my E-mail address book. And, I am writing about Bella on this blog right now. As a blind person, this is something I can do in my way to help this family. I cannot help them by drinving them to doctor or hospital appointments. I would if I could. I cannot help them by going to their home and doing whatever needs done. I would have no way of getting there as it is too far away and I would not have transportation to get there. But, what I can do, is to tell YOU about this family and ask you to help by giving whatever amount you can give to the Isabella Daley Fund.
Here is the address to send your donation:
Isabella Daley Fund
P.O. Box 31
North Washington, PA 16048
When you send a gift, you can ask for the number that you can use to get your tax deduction if you need that.
I hope you will be able to give a gift of any size at all to help make MY Thanksgiving Wish come true for Bella this coming week.
Thank you for your generosity and love for children with special needs.
Be Sure to add your name as a “follower” of Bella on her blog so you get the updates every time they are published. And, if you are on FaceBook, type in “Saving Bella” in the SEARCH bar and you can “LIKE” this page and get updates daily there.
While you are at it, put yourself on as a FOLLOWer of mine for this blog, too!