National Poetry Month – A Poem-a-Day Challenge
in the place where
I am
Walking by Inner Vision
I continue thinking about the happiness I find wherever I happened to be in this world.
“Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there.” — Gary Snyder
A Day at River Road Studio
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Pause today to think about what we have right where we are in America. I am thankful for my little piece of Heaven-on-Earth in western Pennsylvania. I am at home here in the little Village of Wurtemburg. This is the place where I DIG IN and do my work in making art and writing poetry and thoughtful personal essays.
April is National Poetry Month.
This is the time of year when poets unite with a mission – to write a poem a day.
Typically, for the entire month of April, participating poets follow a schedule and use prompts to create their poems. A prompt is a suggestion for a theme or poetry form used for inspiration for doing a different sort of poem each day.
I’ve tried numerous times to do this daily activity. This kind of pre-planned schedule does not WORK for me! I think that is because it is too much like working a job and it has the opposite effect on me.
I think my inner resistance to joining others in the production line of poetry writing is most likely because I don’t want to be expected to do anything on a timeline.
I just can’t tether myself to that goal post and reach it by doing something EVERY DA “Y for a month. It is too much like being employed and expected to be at work every day.
A plan for the production of a product (poem) is too predictable for my free spirit. I admit that I’ve never been tested for ADD. Perhaps that might explain my reluctance to stay focused on writing a poem each day for an entire month.
I stray off course easily.
Randomness and chance are with me every day. They are good companions and we joyfully move through the days of creation together.
This article by Lynda McKinney Lambert is Inspired by the writings of William Wordsworth.
Read it Read it here.
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